
I stumbled onto sales. It wasn’t even something I thought I could do, being that shy, awkward person I was back then. I started off in market research, went into hotel events, and the journey unfolded.

I’m thankful to my bosses and seniors who showed me the ropes, as well as the tough times I had to go through. I remember physically shaking with anxiety during presentations, remember asking my peers to correct me if they saw any improvements and some snickered behind my back as I fumbled, asking to go on sales call with my seniors so I could learn what to say and interact with our clients (I had really good seniors/mentors which I am so grateful for to this day), writing down everything I heard that would be helpful for my own pitch or spiel, reading books on sales and networking on my weekends so I could improve. When I started to read up more in my free time, I realized perhaps I do like this area to some extent. I enjoyed learning and observing human psychology and mostly, the real connections I’ve built. I’m only glad I stuck through in hindsight, especially at the progress and growth I’ve had. From that girl who couldn’t look into another person’s eyes or fumbled whenever I spoke to being able to speak to anyone today about anything confidently, the tears shed, the ridicule and anxiety endured, resilience and grit built, and mountains climbed are all worth it now.

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USA : 2 weeks in the West Coast

I visited the west coast of USA seven years ago.

It was a great road trip, very well planned thanks to a friend who came along with me.

I experienced majestic national parks, diverse landscapes and weather conditions in just two weeks.

I would love to be back here again soon. Till then, photos to remind me of the beauty I’ve seen.

Highlights of the 2 weeks road trip, enjoy!

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12 days in Bosnia & Herzogovina and Montenegro, Part 2

I was chatting to my friend the other day, and we both agreed we are blessed enough to get the travels we wanted done and out of our way in our early 20s.

As I reflected, my travels have shown me humanity, inequality, kindness. It has taught me about another land’s history, culture, people, food. I have also experienced God in more ways than I could imagine, miracles and angels. And for these, I am grateful to have heartprints from all over this world.

Our Balkan travels continue and I was settling into its pace. I enjoy short weekend trips but a longer break really does wonders to one’s spirit and soul.

Things that I have held on, I had placed down along the way. My smile returned, my heart refreshed and opened, I started singing again.

Truly, how your world is, is because you are.

A trip that could have gone on longer, and much needed. I look forward to the next one soon!

Enjoy the photos!

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12 days in Bosnia & Herzogovina and Montenegro, Part 1

Another wonderful unexpected trip in 2018. Hard to say no to an impromptu trip if all things fall in place (Destination, dates, budget,  people, planning),  and off I went, on a plane with two friends headed for the Balkans (Bosnia-Herzegovina and Montenegro) !

I did not know what to expect, but not knowing what to expect on travels more often than not works out beautifully.

I left with memories of stunning mountains, valleys, the ocean, warm hospitality, tasty food and unfortunate sad stories of their war torn history that will remind a healthy human the hurt and ruins violence will always leave behind, emotionally and physically.

Will you choose to do the right thing?
What is the right thing?
If it hurts someone else, then it’s probably not the right thing.
If what you want to do is not you want it done to you, then it’s probably not the right thing.
Is this then the basis that we use to evaluate?
I believe so.

Continue reading “12 days in Bosnia & Herzogovina and Montenegro, Part 1”



Best surprises happen when you least expect them.
Turkey was one of them.

I went not knowing what to expect, and left with my heart missing the country’s beautiful architecture, landscape, colours, blue domed churches/mosques, cobbled streets, glass lamps and the list goes on.

Such a beautiful region, would love to explore more of Central Asia and Middle East in the coming years.

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3 weeks in San Fransisco / Berkeley


I realized I have not done a throwback post on my 2011 US trip, so here we go!

All I knew about this land previously had been through movies growing up and I have always wanted to visit since then.
I recall as the plane was descending into San Francisco, I could not quite believe I was actually going to be there in a few minutes. It all felt quite unreal.

All in all, I had a really great time spending 3 weeks in SF/Berkeley and then a road trip around the west coast, hitting up some of the best national parks I’ve ever been to. I hope to be back soon some day, and I am pretty sure there will be many ” I can’t believe I am here” moments then as well.

Enjoy – photo overload ahead!

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Cairns in 5 Days

Cairns have been on my ‘To Go’ list since 2014 and with some good resolution this year to tick things off my list, I booked myself a flight in January and before I knew it, March came and I found myself on a plane towards the tropics. I can already feel this year is flying by and I really need to, as I like to put it, grab life by its horn, the horns you want, and ride it high, ride it wild.

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Dear me, you are 28.
Strangely, you feel quite at ease saying this number now.
26, 27 were hard. You had to spit it out each time you were asked your age.
28 on the other hand feels alright, you now say a week after your birthday.

Continue reading “28.”

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